...Service: 移动社交服务)被不断开发的背景下,根据IT调查机构ABlResearch发表的题 为移动社交网络(Mobile Social Networking)12lJ的报告书显示,到2013年前后.全 世界一亿四千万名以上的移动电话用户将使用社交网络服务。
Best Mobile Social Networking Service 最佳移动社交联谊服务 ; 最佳移动社交网络服务奖
Mobile Social Networking Service 移动社会化网络
Mobile Social Networking ASIA logo 流动社会网络亚洲
Lately, mobile social networking has become popular.
In April mobile social networking company Frengo released a toolkit for development of Open Social and Facebook applications on mobile phones.
手机社交网站 Frengo 发布了一套用于Open Social和Facebook的手机程序开发工具包。
Location sensing, powered by GPS as well as Wi-Fi and triangulation, opens up new possibilities for mobile social networking and presence applications.